Thursday, July 04, 2013

July 2013 - UV Safety Month

The month of July 2013 is UV Safety Month sponsored by the American Academy of Ophthalmology.  The focus is to make sure that everyone has the correct type of sunglasses with UV protection of 99% or greater as well as a hat with a brim while out in the sun for long periods of time. Growing up in Detroit, Michigan there was not much emphasis on sun protection. Spent many summers out and about without any eye protection as well as a hat for shade.

In 2007 our family moved to Arizona where shade trees are not plentiful as Michigan. The sun truly does beam down on you in Arizona and if you are not prepared you can cause harm to yourself. I got sick my first year in Arizona by being out in the sun with nothing on my head, no water, or shade protection. It is not as simple as getting a great pair of sunglasses and a hat but often times water and a umbrella is for shade. After being in Arizona for six years I have learned how to protect myself from the sun's rays to ensure no more incidents of heat sickness.

No matter where you are in the country protection is needed from the sun's radiation. For more information on UV Safety month check out

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