Friday, April 11, 2014

April 2014 - National Cancer Control Month

Welcome to April 2014’s Amplify Your Expertise. This month we have two special monthly observances to talk about. The first is National Cancer Control Month sponsored by the American Cancer Society. The second is National Minority Health & Health Disparities Month sponsored by the Office of Minority Health Resource Center.

CMS the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services states that the best defense against cancer is screening and prevention. Everyone in American can reduce their risk of developing cancer by having a healthy diet, limiting time in the sun, getting regular exercise, having a tobacco free life, not drinking alcohol in excess, and of course having regular cancer screenings. (, 2014) This seems so simple and yet cancer is still being fought daily. The American Cancer Society works diligently to remove the threat of cancer worldwide. I am thankful for their efforts and their many wonderful ways they help support cancer patients and their families. For more information on the American Cancer Society check out

The 2014 theme of National Minority Month is prevention is power. Everyone deserves to live a healthy happy life no matter what. Improving the health of communities takes everyone within the communities to make it happen. During the month of April the Office of Minority Health focuses on bringing awareness about health disparities that continue to affect racial and ethnic minorities and the nation as a whole. (, 2014) For more information check out

Henderson-Hughes Health Partners (H3P) selected both of these observances because they fit well with the mission and vision of H3P. In order to stamp out health illiteracy we must first educate the community no matter regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, sexual identification, disability, languages spoken, country of origin, color or economic status, resulting in broken down barriers in health care so that all people receive quality healthcare. Once the community is educated they can prevent themselves from being exposed to unhealthy living thus gaining power.

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