Monday, August 29, 2016

August 2016 - Skin deep

As a seasoned parent, I believe I am well versed on the variety of illnesses that children could acquire. That was until I met and fell in love with my granddaughter Trinity. I knew that premature babies could have illnesses that dealt with lung, heart, brain and skin however I never imagined the laundry list of issues that would come with such a little baby girl.
Knowing that sensitive skin runs in our family it wasn't surprising that Trinity was diagnosed with eczema. Her mother has it and so did her deceased grandfather. The doctor first gave a prescription for a topical cream. After a few weeks we noticed no improvement. Another appointment was scheduled where a prescription for ointment was given. After a few more weeks passed we noticed no improvement.
Time to call the dermatologist. The pediatrician wanted more trial and error with different creams and ointments. After much frustration and one unhappy baby we finally called the insurance provider to find out the steps to obtaining a prior authorization. After a brief educational conversation with a wonderful representative, I found out that I just needed to find a dermatologist and inform the insurance plan and they would reach out to the doctor.
Here's an example of what my granddaughter's legs looks like.

The day finally comes for the dermatology appointment. I know that we will get some relief for Trinity. Going into the appointment I was aware of how to treat eczema from caring for my daughter. My first statement to the doctor was that I didn't believe Trinity had just eczema. The doctor informed me that I was correct. Trinity not only has eczema but also has ichthyosis. First thing that came to my mind was ichthyology the study of fish. Ichthyosis is a skin disorder named after the Greek word for fish. People who have ichthyosis experience overheating, dehydration, as well as itchy skin. In the case of Trinity her ichthyosis falls on her skin around her eczema which can make her pretty miserable at times. At this time there is no cure for ichthyosis. Comfort measures giving to us for Trinity are frequent baths, anti-itching liquids, and exfoliating the skin. For more information on ichthyosis check out "Living with Ichthyosis."


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